SPAGYRICAL essence pulsatilla vulgaris Dr. Zimpel 50 ml
The spagyric essences are alcoholic liquids with z. T. very memorable smells.
pulsatilla vulgaris benefits
Pulsatilla is also used for tension headache, hyperactivity, trouble sleeping (insomnia), boils, asthma and other lung diseases, earache, migraines, nerve pain (neuralgia), general restlessness, disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI), and disorders of the urinary tract.
Spagyric according to Dr. Zimpel
introduction SPAGYRICAL essence pulsatilla vulgaris Dr. Zimpel
Since November 2008 we have included the spagyric according to Dr. Zimpel added. Spagyric is an ancient herbal natural healing method, which considers body, soul and spirit as a balanced unit (homeostasis).
Only plants are used for the production of spagyric essences.
Some medicinal plants also contain animal powers and minerals.
Plant toxins are rendered ineffective by the manufacturing process, so that there is no risk of poisoning when taking the essences.
Spagyrics goes back to Teophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, known under the pseudonym Paracelsus, who worked in the 16th century, decisively expanded the medical knowledge of his time and shaped it in many respects to this day. Terms such as alchemy, arcanum or his famous saying "The dose alone makes a thing not poisonous" will not be ignored by anyone who deals with the roots of Western medicine.
dr In the 19th century, Carl Friedrich Zimpel simplified the method specified by Paracelsus for obtaining the spagyric essences in a "Zimpel'sche healing system".
The essential aspects of a plant are brought into a form that can be optimally assimilated by the human organism through the spagyric manufacturing process.
The term "spagyric" is made up of two Greek word syllables: spao = separate, split and ageiro = bind in the sense of joining together again. This definition, which appears contradictory at first glance, refers to the manufacturing process. This includes several quite complicated steps, so that the spagyric remedies are only offered by specialized companies.
Incidentally, his preparation instructions were included in the homeopathic pharmacopoeia, so that the spagyric remedies are produced according to a standardized procedure and have a legal basis under the Medicines Act.
In our pharmacy we use the essences of the company Phylak Sachsen, whose factory is near Dresden.
Preparation of the spagyric essences, SPAGYRICAL essence pulsatilla vulgaris Dr. Zimpel
One part plant matter is fermented with two parts water and yeast.
1. Fermentation → alcoholic solution → spirit of the plant, plant's own alcohol, spirit → Mercury level
2. Distillation → distillate → soul of the plant, essential oils, flavorings → sulfur level
3. Incineration of the digestate → ash → body of the plant, mineral salts and trace elements → sal level
4. Finally, the three components are combined into the spagyric essence = spagyric or chymic marriage.
The remedy produced in this way contains the medicinal substances of the plants in a refined form and is therefore therapeutically more effective than the original material. It is not only the ingredients of spagyrics that are effective, but also the metaphysical forces uncovered by the healing process.
We offer spagyric essences as individual remedies or in a mixture, which can either be chosen according to individual aspects or according to the recommendations of the "drug pictures according to Dr. Zimpel” from the Phylak company are each freshly mixed.
Dosage of spagyric essences
The spagyric essences are primarily taken orally, drop by drop, keeping the drops in the mouth for one to two minutes.
- High dosage for predominantly physical symptoms: 3 times 15 to 20 drops
- Average dosage for predominantly emotional symptoms (psychosomatic): 5 to 7 drops 3 times
- Low dosage for predominantly mental symptoms (mental processes): 3 times 2 to 4 drops
- In acute cases, 5 to 10 drops can be administered every hour.
For drainage or detoxification, the spagyric essences can also be taken diluted in water.
The spagyric essences can also be nebulized in the room using a spray.
In the case of skin problems, in addition to the internal application, it is advisable to carry out an external treatment using an ointment into which the spagyric essences have been processed.
Importance of spagyrics and further development
The medicine cabinet originally contained Dr. Zimpels 77 remedies prepared according to the method described. They were designed for the therapeutic needs of his time. The later period brought forth new diseases, which required an adjustment or expansion. In 2012 we are sticking with 96 essences (as of 2014).
According to the current classification, which was developed by Phylak's scientific director, Dr. Gopalsamy Naidu, one distinguishes different phases of the spagyric palette:
- Phase 1 : The spagyric basic remedies, ie the drug cabinet Zimpels 1-77 plus 78 Echinacea purpurea
- Phase 2 : Special case Essence No. 79 Photinia villosa (photinia), which is only available in the form of ready-made complex mixtures
- Phase 3 : “ The Eighties ”: Spagyric Essences from 80-89 . The aspect of the past and the future is increasingly being considered by the spagyricists. In particular, with the development of the essences 87 Tilia, 88 Pilocarpus and 89 Quercus, the bridge was built by overcoming karma, ie the hereditary burden of the generations before us, to get into resonance with our planet earth and to establish a trusting connection with our fellow human beings to kick. This harmony will give us the strength to realize that the solution to our global problems lies within ourselves.
- Phase 4 : “The Nineties”: Spagyric Essences from 90-99 . has begun the introduction of Essence No. 90 Nicotiana tabacum (Tabacum): Tabacum has the character of an antenna and creates the connection between the material and the spiritual. Looking to the future, Tabacum will help expand awareness and give people more self-confidence. There will be an opening towards others and more unselfish action will bring a new dimension of living together. Essences No. 91 and No. 92, which will be included in therapy in 2012, will seamlessly continue on this path. The physical-therapeutic goal of the spagyric essences up to No. 99 will be to turn to incurable diseases.
- Phase 5 : Spagyric essences 100-108 (corresponding to the just barely stable chemical elements of the periodic table). The major topic of this epoch lying far in the future will be the regeneration of functionally restricted organs.
Spagyric forms the bridge between homeopathy and phytotherapy, mineral therapy according to Dr. Schüßler and orthomolecular medicine, i.e. the holistic therapy concepts of our time. In the interaction of these different therapeutic approaches, the spagyric individual remedies create a possibility for healing that goes beyond the purely phytotherapeutic and physical application possibilities.
The process of change to which the plants were subjected during the production process is intended to change the organism from the diseased and to guide it into a reorganization towards a healthy one. The information that the plant has due to its individual properties can enable people to find a way out of a physical, mental or psychological crisis. In this psychotherapeutic extension, an essential contribution of spagyrics for people striving for recovery can be seen.
The following table summarizes the spagyric remedies .
The numbers, the scientific and the English names of the plants are given, as well as some key terms for their use.
We are aware that the key word descriptions given in the table do not do justice to the entire potential of the plants, but a more precise description would go far beyond the scope of a homepage.
1. Achillea millefolium (yarrow)
- For liver, bladder and kidney problems
- Emancipation, rediscovery of one's own potential, vulnerability (Achilles heel)
2. Aconitum napellus (monkey's hat, monkshood)
- Anything that happens suddenly, in states of shock
- release blockages
3. Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)
- hemorrhoid remedies
- Lack of self-confidence
4. Agnus castus (chaste tree, chaste tree)
- Women's remedies, "from acne to menstruation"
- being able to say no
5. Allium cepa (kitchen onion)
- "Nose plant", for colds, hay fever, elimination of heavy metals
- Layer by layer, with therapies that should proceed in slow steps
6. Allium sativum (garlic)
- Germ-inhibiting effect, for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis
- Fall into the same problem periodically
7. Amygdala amara (bitter almond)
- Angina, after chemo and radiation therapy
- Energetic wound healing, protective layer
8. Angelica archangelica (angelica)
- Digestive tract problems
- Spiritual protection, guardian angel
9. Aralia racemosa (American spikenard)
- Allergy and hay fever remedies, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
- communication
10. Arnica montana (arnica, mountain welfare rental)
- All injuries
- Change, awareness, hope
11. Artemisia absinthium (wormwood)
- Stomach medicine, generally for indigestion
- goddess of the midwife
12. Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort)
- Stomach discomfort associated with flatulence
- Toe Plant - Base
13. Avena sativa (oats)
- Universal tranquilizer
- Relieves and gives confidence in the future
14. Atropa belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)
- Acute, anti-inflammatory, everything is red and hot, children's plant
- Relief of physical and psychological pain
15. Bellis perennis (Daisy)
- Similar effect as Arnica
- Soothing balm that soothes deep wounds in the soul
16. Betula alba (silver birch)
- For metabolic cures (betula, Hebrew = new blood)
- cleaning, opening; healing of body, soul and spirit; also chronic problems
17. Bryonia alba (Bryony)
- Joint and muscle pain that gets worse with exercise
- Brake, gives rest and relaxation
18. Calendula officinalis (pot marigold)
- Injury remedies, wound healing, abrasions. Do not use individually!
- Heals injuries to the soul
19. Cardiospermum halicacabum (balloon plant, heartseed)
- "Cortisone of phytotherapy", allergies, skin reactions, also for rheumatic complaints
- Separation between heart (feelings) and sexuality, after rape
20. Carduus marianus (milk thistle)
- liver bile plant
- Demarcation, physical distance, protection, eliminates old blockages
21. Chelidonium majus (celandine)
- Liver remedy, combination with other plants, especially Carduus marianus, wart remedy
- Great pressure and responsibility weigh heavily on the shoulders
22. China pubescens (Cinchona bark)
- Tonic for loss of organic juices
- Develops our potential, facilitates non-verbal communication
- Included in the spagyric personality blend
23. Cimicifuga racemosa (bug weed)
- "Women's remedies", menstruation, menopause, depression, and also rheumatism
- Separation, loss, abortion
24. Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley)
- Cardiac medication for nervous heart problems
- Openness to life, allows to face difficult situations
25. Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn)
- heart remedy, comprehensive love,
- Regulates the sensitivity of the heart
26. Cynara scolymus (Artichoke)
- Liver remedy, combination with other liver-bile plants
- Separation of unnecessary things that have accumulated over a long time
27. Drosera rotundifolia (Round leaved sundew)
- Cough medicine, especially for spasmodic cough
- "Carnivorous Plant" - Aggressiveness: eat or be eaten
- Plant of Expression: Expressing old deep fears in order to free oneself from them
28. Echinacea angustifolia (Narrow-leaved coneflower, Narrow-leaved coneflower)
- Immune stimulation, repeated infections of the respiratory tract and the urinary tract, also with a tendency to allergies
- Helps resolve childhood issues (over caring or under caring)
29. Echinacea pallida (Pale Coneflower)
- Immunostimulant, "plant that protects body, soul and spirit"
- Solves childhood problems - feeling misunderstood
30. Eleutherococcus senticosus (Russian ginseng, taiga root)
- So-called adaptogen, ie better adaptation to times of stress, immune stimulant
- Plant of becoming, "rocket" to get out of a situation, take a different path
31. Ephedra sinica (sea ephedra, ephedra)
- Hay fever, upper respiratory tract catarrh, adrenaline-like
- Relief, think optimistically
32. Equisetum arvense (horsetail)
- Kidney bladder remedy, high silicon content, remineralization
- Plant of Stability = Spine
- Overcome obstacles while staying balanced
33. Eupatorium perfoliatum (water hemp, fever grass)
- Flu medicine, severe malaise, weakness, immune stimulant
- Helps to get to the bottom of things, to the cause
- Drainage of medicines, drugs with long-term use
34. Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright)
- Eye remedies, colds
- See, understand and integrate
35. Fagoprum esculentum (buckwheat)
- Skin remedies, eg for ulcers, acne, tendency to allergies
- Helps to regain balance - physical, mental and spiritual stability
36. Fucus vesiculosus (Bladderwrack)
- Metabolism agent, contains a lot of iodine and other minerals, thyroid agent
- Allows you to concentrate on the essentials
37. Galium odoratum (woodruff)
- gastrointestinal tract
- Plant of harmony, regulates and centers the soul in the body
38. Gelsemium sempervirens (Wild Jasmine)
- Influenza drugs, if headaches are in the foreground, also nerve drugs
- Fear of known things
39. Gentiana lutea (Yellow Gentian)
- For stomach and intestinal problems
- Everything that you have not digested in life, family secrets
40. Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo tree)
- Means for circulatory disorders, improves microcirculation, especially in the brain
- Lets find the spirit and the clarity again
41. Humulus lupulus (hops)
- Sedative, also for restlessness caused by hormonal imbalances
- New beginning in life with many perspectives, "New Earth"
42. Hydrastis canadensis (Canadian Turmeric)
- For problems with the mucous membranes
- For problems with the element water
43. Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort)
- Universal nerve agent for depression
- Brings sun into the heart, light into the cells, lack of male love
44. Iris versicolor (iris)
- Headache, migraine, stomach and intestinal problems
- protection against radiation
- Rainbow plant, allows "broader vision"
- Not suitable as a single essence!
45. Lycopodium clavatum (clubmoss)
- Digestive disorders, also an important constitutional remedy in spagyric medicine, ie accompanying remedy in certain life situations
- Energy of ascension, helps to reach our goal (podium).
- Trilogy of Lycopodium: important is the position in the mix (Yin-Yang)
46. Malva silvestris (cheese poplar)
- Respiratory therapeutic agent, for congestion
- Let go, supports the transition from old to new energy (New Year's Eve)
47. Mandragora officinalis (mandrake, meerkat)
- Stomach and intestinal remedies, "three-month cramps", also in depressive states
- For diseases whose origin lies in a problem in the past
48. Matricaria chamomilla (chamomile)
- Medicines for children and women, sedatives for children
- In the absence of maternal love
4 9. Melilotus officinalis (Sweet Clover)
- For headaches, bleeding on all levels, works from head to toe
- protective function; regeneration, healing, healing of the aura; transformation
50. Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm)
- Sedative, especially antispasmodic effect for digestive problems
- Wound-healing balm, brings relaxation and mental calm
51. Mentha piperita (Peppermint)
- Stomach medication and other digestive disorders
- Truth - lets us be honest with ourselves
52. Nux vomica (Night nut)
- Medication for men, use for problems with alcohol and tobacco, also for food intolerances
- Good for choleric people (anger, anger) in the absence of fatherly love
53. Okoubaka aubrevillei (Okoubaka)
- In case of poisoning, allergies, drug intolerance, controls the liver
- Liberation, cleansing and detoxification on all levels
- Transmutation, energetic effect on DNA
54. Phytolacca decandra (pokeweed)
- For muscle cramps, also for rheumatism, arthrosis and joint pain
- "ear plant"; Hear, listen and understand
- For allergies to dairy products
55. Piper methysticum (kawa-kawa, intoxicating pepper)
- Women's remedy, "phytotranquilizer", use for menopausal symptoms
- Centers our aura after a shock, brings calm to circling thoughts, with constant repetition
56. Propolis (bee putty resin)
- Antibacterial and antiviral effect, use for problems in the respiratory tract, also for people with a tendency to allergies, rheumatic complaints and arthrosis, immune stimulant
- Purity, discipline, for the community
57. Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasqueflower, Pasqueflower)
- Women's remedies, "from headaches to digestive problems"
- Sensitivity modulator: opening, division, alternation, exchange, seismograph
58. Rauwolfia serpentina (Rauwolfie, Snakewood)
- For circulatory disorders, high blood pressure
- Cosmic Serpent, helps find the third way, bypassing difficulties
59. Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)
- Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, including for rheumatism and skin problems
- "weather plant"
- "Seeker" goes straight to the root of the problems, detoxification, cleansing
60. Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary)
- Circulatory tonic, for loss of appetite
- Balance between the two hemispheres of the brain
- Energetic cleansing
61. Ruta graveolens (Rue)
- pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs
- Helps with everything that is etched into our cells - deprogramming
62. Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm)
- Complaints of the urinary tract, prostate problems in men
- Generation conflict, plant of reconciliation
63. Salvia officinalis (sage)
- For mouth and gum inflammation, sweating, also for menopausal symptoms
- Facilitates human restructuring (body, soul, spirit)
- Psychoaffective stability, helpful in times of change
64. Sambucus nigra (Elderberry)
- kidney and bladder remedies
- Deprogramming, deletes old programs
65. Sarsaparilla, Smilax regelii (Sarsaparilla, stinging bindweed)
- Kidney bladder remedy, women's remedy, also for itching
- Soap cleans our minds
66. Solidago virgaurea (Common goldenrod)
- Kidney bladder remedy – “solid kidneys”
- Eliminates paralyzing fears, helps to process our experiences
- Brings security, firmness, cleansing and frees from ancient fears
67. Symphytum officinale (comfrey)
- For broken bones, also for leg skin infections, for very deep injuries
- Regenerates tissue, muscles and bones
- Consolidation: welds, connects and heals old ailments
68. Taraxacum officinale (dandelion)
- Liver remedies, metabolic cures, also for headaches, detoxification, allergies
- For person who doesn't like themselves and others - social plant
69. Thuja occidentalis (Tree of Life)
- metabolism and detoxification cures,
- Warts, bacterial resistance, chronic diseases
- "Yes to life" lets life energy circulate again
70. Thymus vulgaris (Thyme)
- Respiratory diseases, antimicrobial effect, immunostimulant
- Freed from old mental trauma
71. Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
- Natural antibiotic effect, probiotic, antimicrobial effect, use in infections of the respiratory tract and the urinary tract
- Gives us strong energies of restructuring, regeneration
72. Urtica dioica (Big Nettle, Dioecious Nettle)
- Use in metabolic cures, also for rheumatic complaints,
- Body detoxification, skin: for itching and burning
- Protection from harmful radiation and energies from our environment
73. Vaccinium myrtillus (blueberry)
- Gastrointestinal medication, especially for diarrhea and diabetes (“vegetable insulin”)
- Vision, foresight, spiritual restructuring
74. Valeriana officinalis (Valerian)
- Effect on nervous system, sedative, gives us grounding
- Positive plant, after the fall it gives strength to come up again
75. Viola tricolor (field pansy, field violet)
- Focus on skin diseases, eg eczema, itching, children's products
- Soul cleansing after violence, protection
76. Viscum album (Mistletoe)
- Means of geriatrics, high blood pressure coupled with dizziness, heart remedies
- radical scavenger, in cancer therapy
- Energy of Forgiveness, Lack of Mother Love, Knowledge from the Past (album)
77. Yohimbe, from Pausinystalia johimbe (yohimbe bark, potency tree)
- Tonic, use for circulatory disorders
- Gives meaning and purpose to life, teaches us to incorporate our past experiences into our life purpose, new beginnings, strength, physical power
78. Echinacea purpurea (Red Coneflower)
- Immune stimulant, see other Echinacea species
- Balm for the soul, helps to solve childhood problems
79. Photinia villosa (medlar)
This preparation is only approved in Switzerland and is available in Austria in the form of a number of fixed combinations (e.g. mixture RCTH01)
80. Azadirachta indica (neem tree, neem, “village tree pharmacy”)
- All-round remedy for pain and fever, also antimicrobial effect for various infections, mercury removal
- Long-term detoxification on all levels (physical, psychological, spiritual)
81. Dioscorea villosa (yam)
- Focus on gynecological complaints and digestive problems
- Promotes hormonal and energetic balance
82. Taxus baccata (yew)